organization, you can use the same log-in here.
latest news
*2025-26 Pre-Registration
2025-26 Pre-registration form
(NEW families only)
While we wait for the HISD Zoned Registration link to come online, we are collecting Pre-Registration information from zoned families who are planning to attend Condit in the fall.
IMPORTANT: This form is for students who will be NEW to Condit in Fall 2025, current students do NOT to submit any forms.
*Condit School Store Hours
The school store will be open weekly on Tuesdays from 7:10-7:30am.
Please feel free to stop by to get your Condit gear or field trip shirts in person during these hours or shop ONLINE.
- Online orders will be delivered directly to your homeroom teacher.
- Please enter your student's name and homeroom teacher in the notes.
- Allow 1 week for delivery.
- Orders are usually filled on Tuesdays and teachers will distribute to their students.
*Condit World Tour: I-Fest 2025
Friday, January 17th - Registration Deadline
Condit World Tour, I-Fest 2025 is Condit's annual celebration of the diverse cultures represented by our students, teachers, and community. The annual event includes:
- Parade of Nations
- Student Performances
- Cultural Tables presented by Condit families
- Food Trucks
Registration has been extended to Friday January 17, 2025!
[Sign up now to be part of the fun!]
Check out the I-Fest Promotional Video!
Thank you to Funk Law Group, Gencare Hospice & iKids for their sponsorship of the 2025 I-Fest!
*Condit Palooza
Condit Palooza is Coming!
Friday, January 31st - Early Bird Deadline
Condit's Gala is coming up on February 21st and our theme this year is Conditpalooza! We are so excited to spend the evening with everyone!
Condit families - we are asking families to consider hosting socials for parents and/or students. You and your co-hosts donate your time and the activity, and people then sign up to attend the socials for a flat fee donation to the PTO. Socials can be themed events for the parents such as a fun couples event or Mom's Night Out in your home, or you could host a class teaching how to make your signature dish. You and your co-hosts set parameters that work for your families (date, time, number and age / gender of kids) and then people sign their kids up for a flat fee. The socials can be for a certain grade level, an event based on common interests, or anything you think would be fun for your kids. Some ideas could be end-of-year class parties (swimming, pizza and popsicles at the park, etc.), a kick-ball game, a bounce house party, bowling etc. Feel free to get creative!! These socials not only bring in funds for our school, but provide great ways to build our community all while having fun!
At the Gala, we will have a silent auction to raise money for our school, and we are looking for your help in making this the best auction yet! Do you have anything you could donate to the auction? Examples: sporting event tickets, gift cards, experiences, etc. If you have items to donate or you are interested in hosting a social, please fill out the linked forms by January 31st.
100% of the proceeds from the Gala will benefit the Condit PTO. These funds go towards creative educational activities and supplies for our school not covered by the district.
Tickets are available for purchase now on the Condit Elementary PTO Website. Secure EARLY BIRD PRICING now through January 31st!
To donate auction items:
To donate a social:
*Please submit your form even if you do not have an exact time/date for your social - you can put TDB in that field.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Caroline Lahart at
The Gala Committee thanks you in advance for your generosity to our amazing school!
[Click HERE to view our Gala Sponsorship Opportunities]
*5th Grade Bake Sale
*Girls on the Run!
Monday, February 3rd - GOTR Starts
Attention 3rd, 4th, and 5th Grade Girls!
Condit Girls on the Run team registration is open now! What is Girls on the Run? Girls on the Run (GOTR) is an after-school running program designed to inspire girls of all abilities to recognize their strengths, build confidence, and develop a sense of connection through teamwork.
At the end of the season, the team will celebrate their achievements by running a 5K together! What’s Involved? Condit parent volunteers organize a team of 8–15 girls to train for the GOTR 5K.
When: Starting February 3rd, practices will be held twice a week, after school for 75 minutes. Practices are tentatively scheduled for Mondays and Wednesdays from 3:15–4:30 PM.
Where: Condit playground (or the gym on rainy days).
5K Celebration: The final 5K will take place on April 26th, where the Condit team will run together in celebration!
How to Sign Up: Sign-up is now open! Participation is through a lottery, and up to 15 girls will be selected. To sign up, go to and select Condit Elementary as your location.
We Need Coaches! Interested in coaching? Sign up to be a coach at
If you volunteer, your child will automatically be placed on the team. We need several coaches to ensure the success of this program!
Have Questions? Diana Dinnell and Melissa Salmeron
We look forward to running with you!
*Condit PTO Open Board Positions for 2025-2026
Please review open positions for the 2025-2026 school year below. All nominees must be in good standing with the Condit PTO:
President-Elect: receives training by the President on all duties for the purpose of learning the President position, assists the President as needed and takes on the duties of President if they are absent or unable to perform their job. To be eligible, you must have served one previous term on the PTO Board.
Vice President of Finance #1 (Business): develops fundraising goals, strategy and coordinates Corporate Sponsorships for The Condit Giving Tree (Business), maintains contact with chairs of the committees designated under them on the PTO Org Chart to monitor and guide their efforts.
Vice President of Internal Communications: conducts all PTO correspondence by crafting and updating, weekly Condit Happenings newsletter and DOJO posts, assist Committee Chairs in promoting events, maintains contact with chairs of the committees designated under them on the PTO Org Chart to monitor and guide their efforts. Being tech savvy and familiar with Membership Toolkit is helpful for this position.
Shared Decision Making Committee (SDMC): provides an opportunity for school, staff and community leaders to meet monthly (or as otherwise deemed appropriate) in order to assist in the development of school policies and programs. Note: This position is not part of the PTO Board. 1 spot available.
The Nominating Committee will commence a process in which discussions are held with nominees to review the job descriptions for each position. The Nominating Committee will announce the proposed slate for the 2025-2026 PTO Board, including these new positions, at the March 21 PTO meeting. If you are interested in being a nominee or with any questions, please reach out to Nicole Dobbs at by February 1st or with any questions.
*Condit Kinder Tours
Condit Kinder Tours
Condit will be hosting several kindergarten tours for families zoned to Condit who will be entering kindergarten for the 2025-2026 academic school year. If you know of any neighbors or friends who might be interested in a tour, please share this information with them.
- Thursday, February 6
- Thursday, March 6
Families are asked to register to confirm their tour date.
[Click HERE to Register]
*No School
Monday, January 20th
MLK Jr. Day {No School for Students}
School resumes, Tuesday, January 21st, 2025
- Monday, January 20
- Friday, January 24
- Thursday, January 30
- Saturday, February 1
- Monday, February 3
- Tuesday, February 4
- Thursday, February 6
- Friday, February 7
- Thursday, February 13
- Friday, February 14
- Monday, February 17
- Thursday, February 20
the condit giving tree birthdays